26 Vegetables That Start With B

There are so many amazing veggies that start with the letter B, it’s hard to figure out where to even begin! We could talk about broccoli or brussels sprouts. But those are too easy.

How about butternut squash? It’s so versatile and available in most stores this time of year. There are also beets – their color is so deep and rich. Whatever is your reason to go looking for a list of vegetables that start with B, you have come to the right place. Ready to go explore?


Bell pepper

Bell peppers come in a wide range of colors. They are most commonly red, orange or green, but you may also see yellow, purple and even white ones at the store.

The best thing about bell peppers is they contain vitamins A, Bs and C. People also like to eat bell peppers raw. You can eat them as part of a salad or add them to sandwich spreads. This vegetable is one that provides flavorful nutrition! Bell Peppers are one of the best vegetables to add to your diet.

Bitter melon

Bitter melon is a fruit that grows in a long and skinny shape. The flavor is bitter, hence the name. It has an acquired taste, but many enjoy the flavor mixed with other ingredients or consumed in a meal.

There are many health benefits to eating this fruit, including reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Bitter melon is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and even Iron! It’s also low in calories! Bitter melon is also called Chinese or Vietnamese bitter gourd.

Banana squash

green vegetable on white surface

Many people are so excited to start cooking with squash! A friend of mine can eat a whole one in one sitting. She absolutely loves the flavor, texture and excitement of a serving of squash. It’s easy to understand why: it tastes good and is a healthy food that contains all kinds of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and many more.

Banana squash is the fruit of a plant that is edible in many ways — you can cook it, grill it or eat it raw. Banana squash is also called banana gourd because the shape looks like a banana with little bumps on its skin.

Bamboo shoots

Interesting in trying this exciting new ingredient? Bamboo is most commonly found as a shoot, which is a young bamboo plant. This can be used in stir-fried dishes or prepared as part of a meal with meat and vegetables.

The vegetable can be pan-fried like asparagus, or added to soups and stews. It is much more nutritious than people think too! Its nutritious properties include Vitamin B, protein and iron, as well as dietary fiber.


The term bean actually refers to any legume. It does not have to come in a pod! Processed beans are made into products such as peanut butter and soy sauce. There are many different types of beans, including black beans, red kidney beans and green peas.

Black Beans are a source of protein, folate, iron and magnesium. Red kidney beans offer folate, fiber and protein. Green peas are rich in Vitamins C and A, while also providing folate, fiber and potassium! There is more nutrition in these than people realize.

Black radish

This root vegetable, which grows in the stalks of other plants and can be found on a white radish’s body, is a popular and versatile ingredient.You can remove the skin and use the inside skin to make pickles. You can remove the root’s wrinkled skin for a more slick texture for soups or gravies.

The flesh itself can be used in stir-fried dishes, such as tempura. The vegetable is commonly eaten with other vegetables or meat where it has been added in with either its flavor or as a filler to extend an ingredient’s length without adding too much bulk.

Bean sprouts

These sprouts may seem a little high on the list, but they are worth the tiny investment. What’s more, they are incredibly versatile!

Sprouting is a way of increasing your vegetable intake as well as increasing their nutritional value. Beans sprouts can be eaten raw, cooked or even pickled to make them a great addition to salads or sandwiches. Sprouting releases enzymes that aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients found in beans. Many people don’t realize that sprouts are good for your health! They help improve digestion by increasing gastric secretion and decreasing intestinal transit time.


onion on white plate

Beetroot is a fabulous salad ingredient. A slice of beet in your salad makes the familiar taste of lettuce, tomatoes and grated carrots more palatable. This vegetable is rich in Vitamin C and betaine, a natural plant chemical compound used to make the stomach lining less acidic.

It can be used to reduce the side effects of stomach and heart medications. Beetroot is an excellent source of folate and a very good source of dietary fiber, manganese, potassium, Vitamin B6, magnesium and phosphorus.

Belgian endive

Belgian endive looks like a small chard, but it’s in fact a delicious type of chicory. This vegetable is mild in flavor and has a bitter aftertaste. It’s most often found in the form of young leaves, which can be used as part of salads as well as spring rolls or bánh xèo.

Endive is also great for cooking, with some recipes using its young leaves in place of spinach for more flavor and texture. We can’t wait to try them!

Black-eyed peas

Black-eyed peas used to be a common ingredient in Southern American cuisine. Black-eyed peas are cultivated for the sole purpose of consumption.

They are grown under a great deal of heat, which helps produce a higher protein content than other legumes. The pulses are then soaked overnight to soften the starchy part of the pea, and then the water is squeezed from them before being boiled.

Black-eyed peas have some health benefits: They have no cholesterol and low fat content; they also have calcium, niacin and iron in each serving.

Black salsify

We tend to think of salsify as the root of a plant, but it is in fact a fruit which can be eaten raw or cooked in any way. A large one weighs up to 2 kg and serves as an excellent snack in times when you need more than just a sweet treat.

It’s not only delicious, but also nutritious. Black salsify is rich in vitamin C, manganese and other important vitamins. It also has a high concentration of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, keeping our arteries free from cholesterol and thus lowering the risk of arteriosclerosis.

Bok choy

Fresh Green Bok Choy with Water Droplets

On a clear day, you might just be able to make out the famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. On a clear, dark night, you might just be able to make out the distinctive green hues of Bok choy.

These greens may not be widely known, but they are well-regarded among Chinese cuisine and Asian cuisines in general. Bok choy is one of the most commonly used Chinese vegetables and is often found as an ingredient within soups or stews.


Boniato is a root vegetable native to the tropics, particularly the Caribbean. It is a starchier version of sweet potato and has been grown in that part of the world for at least eight hundred years.

It is also known as “white sweet potato” and this is how it got its name from from Spanish explorers who first encountered it there. Although it is often confused with yams, yams are much larger (and usually grown on a small commercial scale only). You can now find boniato at a local supermarket. Boniato is available year-round, so you can buy it just about any time of the year.


Did you know that borage, an herb, can be used as a salad ingredient? Borage is a beautiful flower that has holly-like purple leaves and a white pod. The leaves can be used to garnish salads or serve on the side. They have a mildly sweet flavor with a slightly peppery finish. Borage has a crisp texture and a milky flavor, akin to cucumber.

Borage is also known as “starflower”. Though it has many more uses than what we’ve mentioned here, it is widely used in Italian cuisine. It is featured in the traditional Genovese pesto, along with basil, garlic and pine nuts.

Boston marrow squash

From above of ripe fresh butternut squash placed on orange background in daylight

We already know that squash is amazing. However, this vegetable is better than others because of its gorgeous exterior and mild taste. It’s an incredibly versatile vegetable too.

The green and yellow versions are equally as good for culinary purposes, but the green version looks more attractive on your plate! You’ll be sure to impress your friends with these gorgeous dishes; prepare them ahead of time, then just pop them in the oven. You can use the cooking time to catch up with friends.

Broadleaf arrowhead

This is mostly a wild plant, though it is also often planted as an ornamental. It can be used on its own, or mixed with other greens.

As a green, the broadleaf arrowhead has a flavor that combines spinach and lettuce, but without being too bitter or spicy. As an added bonus, you will be able to get more of your daily Vitamin C by choosing this type of vegetable over other leafy greens like kale.


This colorful vegetable has a taste similar to broccoli. Broccoli flowers too, so they are harvested together and sold together. The flowers are also used in making wine. Broccoflower is not as chewy as regular broccoli though, which makes it very appealing to children. It is a good source of vitamins C, E and K. It is used as a vegetable for stir-fries and casseroles.

Broccoflower is grown from its flowers and buds, which are harvested around August. It can be frozen for later use. This vegetable is more popular in the United States with Mexican cuisine.



A vegetable used by many cultures and cuisines, broccoli is well known for its characteristics.

Broccoli is a vegetable that is very high in fiber, providing healthy things for your body. If you are looking for something to add to your diet that isn’t the same old boring vegetables try adding broccoli. You may not think of broccoli for dinner but it really is a super food and great for everyone’s diet.

Broccoli has been found to have a good effect on the reduction of cancerous tumors as well as heart disease. Eating broccoli can also reduce a person’s chance of having diabetes by 58%. In addition to its preventative functions, it also helps lower cholesterol levels. So if you are looking for a healthy side dish to include with your meal or just want something good for your diet try adding broccoli to the list.


Broccolini is another featured vegetable in the Top 4 list of Bitter Melon. It has a long stem, which you may easily mistake it as a regular cabbage.It’s considered to be a delicacy in Italy and various other parts of Europe, but also Chinese and other Asian countries.

We can enjoy broccolini with different dishes such as stir-fried beef or pork or even as part of soups and salads. It is good source of Vitamin A, C and K, as well as folic acid. Broccolini is low in calories, as well as perfect for those who want to lose weight.


Brooklime is a form of water spinach. It has a light taste and is usually used in stir-fries or with seafood. Sliced brooklime with onions and tomatoes is also a refreshing summer pickle. The leaves are large and will wrap around your choice of fish, chicken or pork with ease.

It can also be eaten fresh when it is young and tender. The vegetable contains calcium, iron, Vitamin C and other vitamins as well as both phosphorus and potassium. It is used as a poultry feed, and is also an ingredient in some cosmetics. Its use in tea is also common, either on its own or as part of a mixture.

Brussels sprouts

It’s a vegetable that many people confess they do not like. Could it be that they are just overcooking the Brussels sprouts? They might have turned into soggy little green bombs in your pot, but could you learn to love them if you gave them another shot?

These miniature cabbages will lend a slightly sweet taste with a hint of bitterness that is best complemented by a pinch of salt and pepper. Be sure to eat them with an amazing pork chop or grilled chicken breast for an astounding mealtime experience! Its nutritional value includes iron, vitamin C and beta-carotene.

Burdock root

This root vegetable is very popular in Asia, especially in China. Burdock roots can be found in Asian groceries and some supermarkets here in the United States. Burdock root can be eaten raw or boiled, but it tastes best if you let it sit after being steamed for a few hours.

The root has a very distinctive flavor, which is reminiscent of licorice but more like peppermint candy. It’s also popular in Japanese cooking where it is often combined with other vegetables to make dashi stock.

Butter lettuce

Green Crops in Close-up Photography

The butter lettuce is a member of the butterhead lettuce family. If you’ve ever visited a garden, you’ve likely seen this plant. This delicate, flavorful leafy vegetable is so popular that it has been bred to become even more perfect than nature intended.

A low maintenance plant and very easy to grow, it has soft, finely shredded leaves which makes it an ideal ingredient for salads, soups, stir-fries and sandwiches. Its nutritional value is almost priceless – and believe it or not, it has essentially no calories!

Buttercup squash

Close-Up Photo of a Sliced Pumpkin on a Wooden Chopping Board

Buttercup squash is one of the most unique veggies you can pick up. It is called this because its skin resembles a creamy yellow daisy flower and it grows into a small squash. The delicate buttercup squash is often used for salads to give an extra touch of flavor to any meal. These are typically grown as a transplant; they do not grow from seed.

Buttercup squash is rich in beta-carotene, which promotes good eyesight. You can use it in a variety of ways, because it is a versatile vegetable that is most often seen in its raw form.

It can be prepared with the addition of olive oil and their taste is sweet and mild.

Butternut squash

Wholesome, filling and delicious – butternut squash can be used in a variety of ways. It is very versatile, so you can use it in sweet or savory dishes to enhance flavor and nutrition.

This vegetable is extremely healthy, so should be included as part of your diet plan. It is a good source of fiber, Vitamin A, C and K.

We suggest you combine good recipes with this vegetable. Try adding it to soup or stew for a hearty meal. It can be roasted in the oven or combined with nuts and spices to make pumpkin pie.

Broccoli rabe

Broccoli rabe is one of those vegetables that start with B we’re familiar with. If you don’t know it by name, you’ve tried it. It’s also called rapini and is a member of the Mediterranean vegetable family.

It has a slightly bitter taste and is often cooked along with Italian foods like sausage or ground meat because it pairs well with them. Its good source of Vitamin K and folate, which is essential for heart function. We can’t argue that it’s a tasty vegetable with a nutritious edge!


This was our comprehensive list for Vegetables That Start With B. Have you tried any from this list? Let me know in the comments section.

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