16 Vegetables That Start With W

There are so many amazing veggies that start with the letter W, it’s hard to figure out where to even begin! We could talk about watercress or winter squash. But those are too easy.

How about wasabi? It’s a type of horseradish that is popular in Japanese cuisine. There’s also winged bean – a type of legume that is popular in Southeast Asia. Whatever is your reason to go looking for a list of vegetables that start with W, you have come to the right place. Ready to go explore?


Winter Squash

Winter squash includes pumpkins, butternut squash, acorn squash and spaghetti squash. They are orange or yellow inside with tough skins and meaty flesh. The seeds are removed from the skins of winter squash to be cooked in a variety of ways.

When buying winter squash look for ones that have shiny surfaces that feel hard with no soft spots or wrinkles. Winter squashes can last for months at a time if stored in a cool, dry place.


Wasabi is known for being spicy. However, it can also be found in paste form that is used as a condiment. Usually it is served with sushi and sashimi. Wasabi paste can be added to mayonnaise or peanut butter for a spicy sandwich spread. It can also be added to soups and eggs for a flavor boost.

Wasabi comes from the root of the wasabi plant and is commonly sold as ground powder or in dried leaves that are then crushed or grated. When buying ground wasabi, look for cans of powder without artificial coloring or preservatives.

Water Chestnut

Water chestnuts are often used in Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. They have a white exterior and a firm, crunchy interior. While buying water chestnuts, look for ones that are heavy for their size.

Water chestnuts have a sweet flavor and are often eaten raw or in salads. They add crunch to stir-fries and can be added to soups. It is used for its flavor and texture.

Water Caltrop

Water caltrops are also called “water chestnuts” and “boat melons.” They are a type of water plant that grows in the pond or river. Water caltrop is peeled, boiled, and sometimes added to Asian soups and salads.

The water caltrop has a hairy, brown exterior. The flesh is white and crisp but can be hard to find in the U.S. It is used for its texture and for the flavor it imparts. As a condiment, water caltrops are often added to Asian dishes.

Water Spinach

Water spinach (sometimes called “Gogi”) is another vegetable loved by some and hated by others. The plant grows in wet or swampy areas across the tropical world. It was first brought to the United States in 1914.

Water spinach is now a popular ingredient in Asian cooking, often added to green salads or served stir-fried with garlic and ginger. Water spinach is high in nutrients and that makes it a good choice for vegetarians.

Walking Onions

Walking onions are a type of onion that grows in clusters similar to grapes. You can find these onions in some supermarkets. Look for them at farmers’ markets, too.

Walking onions can be eaten just like any other onion. The green tops can be eaten as well. They are stronger flavored than most other types of onions. Walking onions often pair with beef and pork dishes.

Winter Gourd

Winter gourd is also called “Bitter Melon” because of its very bitter skin. There are many different varieties, with some having hard skins and others being very soft.

Bitter melon can be fried or roasted like squash or eggplant. It can also be pickled, used in soups and stews, or eaten raw in salads. I use bitter melon in the stir-fried bitter gourd and minced pork recipe.


Wheatgrass is a popular green juice. It comes from the grass on wheat plants. It is used to make bread, pasta, and other products. It has become popular for many people. It is known for its high levels of chlorophyll and other nutrients. The taste of wheatgrass juice can be bitter but it is often sweetened with fruits and juices to improve the taste.

Wheatgrass can be blended into smoothies, added to salads, or juiced and consumed straight. Wheatgrass can be purchased fresh at grocery stores or ordered online from juice companies.

Wild Garlic

Wild garlic has a very strong flavor that many people dislike. It grows in clumps on the ground and is a member of the onion family. It can be found in most parts of North America.

Wild garlic can be eaten by itself or used to season meats and other foods. The flavor is strong and sweet, so it is often cooked in small doses. It can be cooked with meats like bacon, duck, lamb, or pork.


Watercress is a vegetable that gets its name from the type of water it grows in. It grows in streams, ponds, and other bodies of water. Its leaves are green or purple on top and white underneath. They are very small, growing to be only two inches long.

Watercress is a “superfood” since it is high in nutrients. The flavor can be a bit peppery with a hint of mustard and an onion-like aftertaste. Watercress can be chopped up and added to soups or salads or used as garnish for sandwiches or sushi rolls.

Wax Beans

green and yellow vegetables

Wax beans are a variety of green beans. They are cream-colored or yellowish along their middles with a dark green spot at the tip. Wax beans are very popular in the United States and China.

They can be eaten raw in salads, added to soups and casseroles, or cooked with other vegetables and meats. Wax beans can also be shelled and eaten as a snack or used to make dips like hummus.

Welsh Onion

Welsh onions are a kind of onion that grows in clusters. It has a mild garlic flavor, making it popular with seafood and cheese lovers. It is very popular in the United States and Europe.

To grow Welsh onions, onions are planted in spring and harvested during the fall months. They can be eaten raw or used in soups, stews, and casseroles.

White Radish

White radishes are actually a type of turnip. They have a thick, fleshy root that is white in color and takes on the color of whatever it’s cooked with.

Radishes are full of nutrients, which make it popular with health-conscious individuals. Radishes can be eaten raw or cooked into soups, stews, and casseroles. I use it in a traditional Vietnamese noodle soup.

Wild Endive

Wild endive is a type of chicory that is popular in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. It can be found at farmers’ markets and some stores that specialize in natural foods.

Wild endive has a bitter taste when eaten raw but it is said to have a mellow texture that pairs well with stronger flavors in meat dishes. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked like spinach.

Wild Leek

Wild leeks are a type of leek that grows wild and are considered a weed. They have long white

stems that look like lilies. They grow low to the ground, making them tough to harvest. Wild leeks have white roots that resemble celery and taste like an onion with a hint of garlic. It is one of the most commonly used vegetables in many European countries.

The flavor is enough to make your stomach turn, but it is mild and can be eaten raw or cooked into soups, stews, and casseroles. There are many types of wild leeks, some with purple stems like the ramps and some with leaves similar to lettuce.

Winged Bean

Winged beans are a type of bean that grows on vines in the tropics. They are often used in Asian cooking. The beans can be eaten raw or cooked into soups, stews, stir-fries, and curries.

Winged beans have a tangy flavor that combines well with basil, cilantro, coconut milk, garlic, prawns, and shrimp. They are often used as a substitute for broad beans and soybeans in curries and stir-fries. This vegetable is popular among Asian countries and is easy to cook at home with its bright color that attracts attention even in an exotic dish like curry or stew.


This was our comprehensive list of Vegetables That Start With X. Have you tried any from this list? Let me know in the comments section.

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