There are so many amazing veggies that start with the letter G, it’s hard to figure out where to even begin! We could talk about garden peas or garbanzo beans. But those are too easy.
How about grape tomatoes? They’re small and sweet and packed full of vitamins! There’s also green beans – a classic side dish that goes with just about anything. Whatever is your reason to go looking for a list of vegetables that start with G, you have come to the right place. Ready to go explore?
Guar seeds are used in food, as a fiber supplement, and as an ingredient in medicines. They are also used to create ropes like the edible plant known as “guar gum.” The seed is high in protein and can be eaten in its raw form. It has long been grown for its high fiber content and also used to make products like paper. Its nutrition includes protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and Vitamin K.
Galangal is a rhizome that grows in Thailand. It is a spicy and aromatic root and is used as a spice in Thai, Singaporean, and Malaysian cooking. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicine. Its nutrition includes vitamins K, A, and C, calcium, iron, and magnesium.
Garlic Chives
Garlic chives grow in China, Japan, and Korea. They look like flat blades of grass but with many of the same uses as their relatives the chives. Their nutrition includes vitamins K and C as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium.
Gherkins are very small cucumbers that are pickled or eaten when fresh. They have light green skin and yellowish-white flesh. Gherkins can be eaten on their own or used in dishes with meat and seafood. It’s rich in vitamin C, potassium, and niacin.
The plant is called by its Spanish name, garbanzo. It’s a legume and herbaceous plant that originated in India. Its leaves are used in cooking, and the beans can be eaten raw or cooked. Its nutritional value includes protein, fiber, iron, and vitamin A.
Garden Rocket
Garden rocket is a peppery-tasting vegetable that can be used as a salad green or in other dishes. It is grown in China and Japan. It is used for pickling, potherbs, and other uses. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and other minerals.
Garlic is an edible bulbous plant that grows underground. There are over 100 different varieties of garlic, but all are related by the organosulfur compound, allicin. Garlic has traditionally been used to help with coughs and colds, as well as protecting against heart disease and cancer. Garlic is also known to boost immune defenses and have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, anti-tumor, and antioxidant properties.
It is also called Zingiber officinale, Zingiber zerumbet, or Asiatic ginger. Ginger is an aromatic rhizomatous perennial whose stem can grow to one meter (3 feet) in length. The plant has hard, woody stems and sharp, flat green leaves that are shaped like long fingers. It is available fresh or dried. It is useful in increasing the production of gastric juices and as a mild stimulant. It is also used to treat nausea and motion sickness.
Golden Samphire

Golden Samphire (Dampieria rianthus) is a coastal plant that grows in Australia and the Philippines. It has small, dark green leaves and heavy clusters of yellow flowers. Its taste is similar to watercress, but a little sweeter. It is used in salads, soups, and pickles in Japan. Golden Samphire’s nutrition includes calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and vitamins A and C.
Good King Henry
Good King Henry is a perennial plant that can be found growing in some damp places. It has leaves that resemble those of spinach, along with yellow flowers. Its seeds can be used to create flour, and its leaves are sometimes used as a substitute for spinach. Good King Henry’s nutrition includes vitamins C and A and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron.
Greater Plantain
Greater plantain is a vegetable that consists of the stem, leaves, and fruit. The stem is used as a potherb and to make soup. The leaves are cooked and eaten like spinach, while the fruit is thrown into stews, cakes, and baked goods or made into jam or syrup-like other fruits such as apples or pears. Its nutrition includes vitamin B6, vitamin K, folate, and fiber.
Green Beans
Green beans are also known as string beans or haricots verts in France. They are eaten raw in salads as well as cooked, boiled, and steamed. Green beans are a member of the bean family and are mostly grown in Africa and Asia. They have various uses in food including being used as a source of protein, fiber, and vitamin C.
Green Soybeans
Green soybeans, also known as edamame, are green bean pods that have been picked before they are completely mature. They are sometimes called by their Japanese name “mukimame.” This vegetable is eaten as a vegetable or it can be used in soups and stews. It is very low in fat and high in protein, as well as other nutrients like vitamin K, A, B6, calcium and iron.
Gem Squash
Gem squash (also known as Allocasuarina gemmifera) is an evergreen, flowering plant native to Australia. Its name comes from its flowers, which are bright red and covered in soft hairs. Its fruit is also edible and provides a good source of vitamin C. This variety does not produce seeds, so it can be a troublesome crop for propagators and farmers. It is used as a culinary vegetable and as an ornamental plant.
Garden Sorrel
Garden sorrel is one of the most common vegetables that start with the letter G. It is also called “Oxalis tuberosa,” “Sweet Cicely,” “Oxalis dioica,” or “Polygonum odoratum.” It has leaves that look like those of a clover, along with its purple-pink flowers. These leaves are very tart and spicy tasting. They are used in many Asian dishes and even as a coffee substitute. The seeds, stems, and leaves can be used as a tea substitute, as well.
Gongura is a leafy green vegetable. It is grown and consumed in India, China and Japan Although not as popular today as other popular vegetables, it has been eaten for centuries. The leaves can be used to make a tea or added to stir fry dishes that call for chard and mustard greens.
Grape Leaves
Grape leaves grow on grapevines. They are used in many dishes but are most commonly used to cook stuffed grape leaves. Their nutrition includes Vitamin A, B6, C, folate, and fiber.
Green Onion
Green onions are most commonly used in Asian cooking. The leaves, stems, and bulbs of these plants are used with the stalks being the most common form of consumption. Its nutrition includes a high amount of vitamin C as well as vitamins K, A, B6, and B3.
Garden Pea
The garden pea is also known as the cowpea or black-eyed pea. The name comes from the Greek word for “small” (Kalos) and the Latin word for the eye (ops). It’s also called sugar pea to differentiate it from other types of peas, such as snow peas, which grow on vines. It is used as a vegetable in salads, fresh, canned, and dried. However, the pods are mostly used for livestock feed.
This was our comprehensive list for Vegetables That Start With G. Have you tried any from this list? Let me know in the comments section.