There are so many amazing veggies that start with the letter F, it’s hard to figure out where to even begin! We could talk about fennel or fava beans. But those are too easy.
How about French beans? They’re easy to cook and similar to green beans, though with a slightly different flavor. There are also fiddlehead ferns – very trendy right now, but not for everyone! Whatever is your reason to go looking for a list of vegetables that start with F, you have come to the right place. Ready to go explore?
Feather Leaf Lettuce
Feather leaf lettuce is a unique greener that you can grow in your garden. It’s actually pretty rare to find in regular grocery stores.
It has a tangy, tannic taste that pairs well with almost anything. It also contains loads of vitamins, including A and C, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and niacin. The light flavor means it’s easy to mix with any other salad greens you have on hand.
Filius Blue Pepper
Did you know that blue peppers aren’t actually peppers? They’re in the same family as eggplants and tomatoes. Filius Blue Peppers are found mainly in China and they have a deep blue color similar to their namesake. The taste is sharp, with a hint of pepper and horseradish.
The peppers make a fine addition to salads, especially when you want to add some color that contrasts well with other veggies (like carrots or oranges). Raw filius blue peppers also work well in Thai dishes, where they add heat and crunch to traditional noodle soups.
Fat Hen
This member of the carrot family looks like a white carrot but has a sweeter flavor. They’re typically eaten raw in salads, or added to soups, purees, and stews. You can also try sauteing them with other root vegetables, garlic, and herbs for a healthy side dish.
Its rich in folate, vitamins A and C, and beta carotene. It can be used as an anti-inflammatory, a liver detoxifier and a stomach cleanser. Fat hen is also high in calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus.
Futsu Squash
Futsu squash is a delicious alternative to pumpkin and other squashes. The name comes from its flat shape, which is similar to its Japanese cousin – the kabocha. It’s also delicious, with a sweet, nutty taste that works well in main dishes and desserts.
You can use futsu squash in just about any dish that calls for pumpkin. It’s similar in taste and texture – though it has fewer calories than plain pumpkin. You can also use it as a substitute for sweet potatoes or winter squash if you want your food to have a little less sweetness (though the flavor will be slightly different).
You’ve probably seen fennel growing in your garden on a fairly regular basis. It’s easy to recognize because of its yellow-orange stems and leaves. Its roots are often harvested as well and they taste similar to celery, but milder.
Fennel seeds (aka anise) are commonly used in Asian cooking, and they give food a pleasant licorice flavor without much crunch or sting. You can also use fennel bulbs to make dill pickles.
Fenugreek is an eye-catching plant with vivid yellow blooms. It hails from the legume family and contains a lot of protein, fiber, and vitamins. It’s also low in carbohydrates and fat, as well as high in calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and magnesium.
It also has a peppery flavor that makes it easy to cook with. Add it to sauteed veggies or use it to make dal or stews. You can also try adding it to curries or chutneys for a bit of heat.
Flat Beans
While some may know this as the string bean, flat bean is actually another form of a green bean. It’s also called the Italian pole bean and has a longer, flatter pod than the standard green bean.
They’re great in dishes like braised cabbage, stewed chick peas, or Creole-style soups and stews. Pick them while they’re still young and tender, then use them in things like soup or stir-fry’s. The older they get, the tougher they are and less tasty.
Fluted Pumpkin
Nicknamed “scallop squash” or “turkey squash,” fluted pumpkin is a very popular variety of winter squash. It has a vibrant orange exterior with thick, decorative ridges that make it easy to cut into neat round slices.
Its flesh is dense and starchy, with a texture that melts in your mouth. Cook it like you would any other winter squash – peel, seed, and roast it whole until it’s soft enough to scoop out. Then add it to pies or other baked goods for an autumnal flair.
Flint Cornflorentino Tomato
This tomato is known for its cute, heart-shaped leaves and red stems. There are about 80 varieties of this tomato that look like something out of a fantasy tale, but there’s no fantasy to the taste. They’re sweet and delicious!
You can pop them whole onto sandwiches or grill them with other veggies for a side dish. They’re also great in salsa, ketchup or pasta sauce.
Fish Pepper
Fish peppers aren’t really peppers at all, but tiny green berries that taste like peppercorns. Also known as ajwain seeds, they’re often used in India and Pakistan to flavor breads.
They have a warm, nutty, earthy taste that works great with roasted garlic and coconut milk. Alternatively, try sprinkling them on roasted cauliflower or chicken with lemon and olives. You can also grind the seeds and add them to bread dough for extra flavor. Just be careful not to overuse it – adding too much can cause your food to become bitter (or even inedible).
Frilled-Leaf Mustard
Frilled-leaf mustard is an attractive plant that can grow up to four feet tall. It produces little white flowers with yellow centers, similar to the frill on a skirt or shirt. The leaves are jagged and, at first glance, appear to have teeth. They’re also cooked and eaten like cabbage or spinach, but they have a tangy flavor similar to radishes.
They’re most commonly used in herbal teas, but you can also use them in salads or stir fries (especially those made with cabbage). Try grilling them lightly before you add them to your dish for extra crunchiness.
Feher Ozon Pepper
Feher Ozon pepper is a light brown berry about the size of pea. It’s native to Eastern Europe and can be found in countries like Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Albania. In these regions, it’s used in various dishes including salads, sauces, soups, stews and even casseroles.
It has a slightly sweet taste with a hint of cloves that works especially well with pears or apples. You can also use is as a substitute for bacon bits if you have to have that smoky flavor but are trying to eat healthier. It pairs well with mushrooms or onions as well.
French Purslane
French Purslane has a crisp, peppery flavor with the addition of a hint of sweetness. It’s a great alternative to fresh herbs because it looks and tastes similar, but doesn’t require much water.
Try eating it raw on salads and sandwiches, or add it to soups or stews for flavor. You can also use French Purslane to make pesto or chutney.
French Bean
French beans are similar to green beans, but they’re slightly more bitter and have tougher skins (which makes them last longer). They commonly appear in boiled salads or as a side dish with eggs. They’re also an excellent choice to stuff.
Its nutritional value includes vitamins A and C, as well as manganese and fiber. It is used as a medicinal herb in Asian and African countries.
French Sorrel

French sorrel is a vegetable that many people aren’t familiar with. It’s attractive because of its succulent green leaves, yellow flowers, and curvy stalks. The taste is similar to spinach, though it has a little more zip to it.
Sorrel is a popular addition to salads and soups, because of its tart taste (which comes from oxalic acid). It’s also great in sauces and pesto dishes because it pairs well with garlic, lemon juice and berries.
Flat White Boer Pumpkin
You’ve probably seen this pumpkin in your local farmer’s market or grocery store. The ‘Flat White Boer Pumpkin’ is actually related to the larger jack-o-lantern pumpkins – but it looks remarkably similar.
The pumpkin is small and has thin, light orange skin that turns white when cooked. When the pumpkin is cooked, the flesh does have a creamy consistency like pumpkins and tastes similar to a sweet potato. The ‘Flat White Boer Pumpkin’ can be enjoyed on its own, mashed in soups, or roasted with herbs for extra flavor. It also makes a nice addition to pies and breads.
Frisee is a vegetable that’s frequently served at fine restaurants, but you can grow it in your garden too. Frisee has a mild flavor that makes it great for salads and side dishes. It also pairs well with eggs, spinach and bacon or ham.
The lettuce-like plant is fairly low in calories, fat and carbs. It does contain plenty of vitamin A, along with potassium and iron. Add frisee to fall or spring salads for extra crunch. You can also eat it as a side dish (just make sure you cook any bacon or ham beforehand).
Field Cucumbers
These cucumbers are typically harvested when they’re still small and tender. They usually don’t need to be peeled and are great for stir fries, or if you want to make a fresh salsa or dill pickles.
They can also be pickled whole and sold in jars, with the addition of herbs and spices. Field cucumbers have a sweet taste that is slightly reminiscent of cantaloupe.
Flashy Butter Gem Lettuce
Gem lettuce is the name given to a handful of varieties of butterhead lettuce that belong to the “batavia” family. It’s one of the most popular kinds of lettuce because it contains more nutrients than other kinds. It has a sweet and tangy flavor, and it works great on sandwiches or as a simple salad.
Gem lettuce is also great for people who need to watch their weight, because it contains very little calories or fat – about 32 calories in every cup. All that nutrition comes at very little cost, which is why gem lettuce (and butterheads in general) are so popular with dieters.
French Dandelion
French Dandelion has got to be one of the most beautiful vegetables you could imagine. It’s pink, and you can see the tiny white flowers waving in the wind. The leaves are actually edible, which is why it’s so popular among wild-crafters. The taste is a little bitter, but useful nonetheless.
You can find this plant in southern France (and many parts of North America). You can also use French dandelion to make a fruit salad or top ice cream with it. The flowers also taste great when candied.
Forellenschluss Lettuce
Forellenschluss lettuces are a type of sprouting lettuce. They’re known for their sweet and nutty flavor, which is similar to iceberg lettuce. They also have a spongy and crisp texture, making them popular in salads or sandwiches.
They’re great in stir fries as well, because they don’t wilt or bruise easily when you heat them up. Try slicing them up and adding them to a pan with olive oil, fresh vegetables and shrimp or salmon pieces. Then simply saute them until the leaves become soft and slightly wilted.
Fava Bean
Fava beans are tiny dark kidney beans that are more nutritious than their larger cousin, lima beans. Both have a high starch and protein content. Fava beans also contain plenty of healthy minerals, including copper and zinc.
Fava beans are a great low-fat alternative to other cheese recipes because they’re so low in calories and fat. They’re high in fiber and Lycopene – an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by the sun.Try using fava beans in soups, stews, salads, main dishes or even pasta sauces.
Fort Portal Jade Beans
Fort Portal jade beans are a rare legume that is often served as a side dish in Central Africa. They’re small and green when they’re raw, but turn red when cooked. They’re also known as “pink beans” or “African bulgur”.
They have a strong, earthy flavor that’s perfect for curries and stews. You can also use them to make vegetarian burgers or chicken parmesan. But try not to overdo it – they can be slightly bitter if eaten in abundance.
Fiero Radicchio
Fiero Radicchio is a variety of chicory that’s grown to be very bitter. It’s almost always used in salads, which is why it contains a high amount of glucosinolates – natural compounds that can prevent cancer.
Fiero Radicchio has a bitter aftertaste that helps balance out dishes containing lots of fatty ingredients (like cheese). This makes it great for pairing with cured meats, roasted nuts and dried fruit. You can also enjoy Fiero Radicchio raw or blanched – try shredding it and using it in place of lettuce on sandwiches or pizzas.
Fortin Rutabaga
Fortin rutabaga is an heirloom vegetable that’s readily available in the fall. It has mild, yellow flesh and a delicious sweet flavor. You can cook it like you would turnips or rutabagas, which are roots that resemble potatoes in taste and texture.
It is rich in vitamin C, potassium and betacarotene. It can be used as a substitute for potatoes, swedes and turnips.
Five-Color Silverbeet
Five-color silverbeet is a type of beet that looks different because of the different colors in its leaves. It’s also popular because it tastes similar to regular beets, but it has a unique flavor.
The leaves have a sweet flavor with hints of citrus, while the stems taste more like celery. Silverbeet is most commonly found in restaurants, being used as a replacement for regular beets in salads. You can also prepare silverbeet by roasting it with olive oil and seasoning with salt and pepper.
Friggitello Pepper
Friggitello refers to a specific hot pepper that’s known for the warmth it imparts to dishes. It’s got quite the fiery reputation, though you need only 1-3 peppers in order to experience it.
Friggitello peppers are a bright orange color and are packed with capsaicin (the stuff that gives peppers their heat). They’re also packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Flat Italian Onion
These onions are great to cook with. They’re good sauteed, roasted, or mixed into soups and stews. The flat Italian onion will only add its flavor to food as you put it in the pan or dish – but once it’s cooked, you don’t have to worry about the onion falling apart.
Its nutritional value is high, as it’s very low in calories and fat, while still being high in fiber, vitamins C, A, and B6. It also has a good amount of potassium.
If you see a green vegetable curled into a tight spiral and covered in brown scales, that’s a fiddlehead. It’s harvested in the early springtime, when it’s about 2 or 3 inches long.
The flavor is mild with hints of asparagus and artichokes, but the texture is quite tough. Cook it lightly — steaming or stir frying work best — and then dress it with butter or acid like lemon juice or vinegar. Alternatively, try tossing fiddleheads into your favorite soup recipe. Its nutritional values include B vitamins, vitamin C and minerals such as copper, iron and zinc.
French Breakfast Radish
French breakfast radish, or rutabaga, is a root vegetable often sold at farmers’ markets. Its leaves are pale green and a little thinner than those of regular cabbage. The flavor of the root is similar to yellow and red sweet potatoes.
The best way to prepare this vegetable is by grilling or roasting it. You can also cook it in soup or even mash it with oil and butter for a potato substitute. While French breakfast radish is not commonly eaten as a vegetable, it works well in stews as an ingredient that adds both color and texture to the dish.
This was our comprehensive list for Vegetables That Start With F. Have you tried any from this list? Let me know in the comments section.