Does Almond Butter Go Bad? How Long Does Almond Butter Last?

Almond butter is one of those things you pick up at the store, put in the pantry, and often forget about.  With that in mind, you’re probably wondering if almond butter goes bad. Let’s find out.

Quick Answer

Almond butter can be stored in the pantry, the refrigerator or the freezer.  For unopened jars, almond butter will be good in the pantry for six months past the best-by date stamped on the jar or twelve months in the refrigerator.  Once opened, almond butter is good for three to five months on the pantry shelf or six to nine months in the refrigerator.  Almond butter can be frozen for up to six months.  Here’s a chart for your ease:

UnopenedSix months past the best-by date on the jarTwelve monthsUp to six months
OpenedThree to five monthsSix to nine monthsUp to six months


Almond butter is a great thing to have on hand, but it’s helpful to know how best to store it and how long it will stay fresh.

Does Almond Butter Go Bad? How Long Does Almond Butter Last?

Almond butter does not last forever.  All nuts can turn rancid and almond butter is made of ground almonds.  Proper storage will help to keep yours fresh for as long as possible.

How Long Does Almond Butter Last Outside

Almond butter can be stored on the pantry shelf, but it’s best to keep it away from heat and light.  A cool, dark pantry is a great place to store your almond butter.

Your jar should have a best-by date stamped on it.  An unopened jar of almond butter stored in the pantry should be good for up to six months past the best-by date.  Once opened, almond butter is good for three to five months after the best-by date.

To ensure your almond butter stays as fresh as possible be sure to properly close the container before storing your almond butter in the pantry.

How Long Does Almond Butter Last in the Fridge

Almond butter can also be stored in the refrigerator, but you will want to keep it in the coldest part of the refrigerator and away from the door to avoid temperature fluctuations.

Check the best-by date on the jar of your almond butter.  Unopened jars stored in the refrigerator will be good for up to one year after the best-by date.  Opened jars stored in the refrigerator will be good for six to nine months after the best-by date.

You may want to put your almond butter on the counter for ten to fifteen minutes before using it so the almond butter is easier to spread.  It will firm up in the refrigerator.

How Long Does Almond Butter Last in the Freezer

Almond butter stays good in the freezer for up to six months, but you will want to think carefully about portion size because your almond butter will freeze solid.

Before freezing you can transfer your almond butter to smaller freezer-friendly containers or ice cube trays and then transfer the cubes to a food storage bag.  Almond butter frozen in ice cube trays is great to use in smoothies, for example, and you don’t even have to thaw the cubes.

However, you choose to freeze your almond butter don’t be tempted to refreeze it should you have too much.  Refreezing will drastically affect the texture of the almond butter and it won’t be the same.

Almond butter can be stored in the pantry, refrigerator, or freezer, but it will last the longest stored in the refrigerator.  Of course, cold almond butter can be tough to spread, but just putting it on the counter for a few minutes before using should solve that problem.

How To Tell If Almond Butter Has Gone Bad? / How To Know Almond Butter is Fresh?

If stored properly, either in the refrigerator or the pantry, almond butter can stay good months beyond its expected expiration date.  Almond butter that is going or has gone bad won’t taste very good and it can make you sick so it’s good to know what to look for.

A sour smell:  If your almond butter smells sour or it has a chemical smell to it rather than smelling like almonds, then it has likely gone rancid and should be thrown away. Fresh almond butter should smell like almonds and have an almost creamy smell to it.

An “off” taste:  If your almond butter no longer tastes right, or you have any concerns as to whether it is fresh or not, then you should throw it away.  Your almond butter should taste like almonds.

Obvious mold:  If you notice dark spots on your almond butter or there is obvious mold inside the jar, you should throw your jar of almond butter away immediately.  Visible mold should never just be removed so the product underneath could be consumed.  Mold is a clear indication that your product has expired.

Oil on top:  If you notice oil on top of your almond butter, do not worry.  This is not an indication of freshness; instead, your almond butter has simply separated.  Just mix the almond butter with the oil to combine again.

How to Store Almond Butter?

For best results, almond butter can either be stored in the pantry or the refrigerator, both with similar results.

Pantry:  For pantry storage, keep your tightly-sealed almond butter in a cool, dark place away from high temperatures.  If your almond butter should separate, just stir it to combine the butter with the oil.  You shouldn’t drain the oil as that may cause the almond butter to dry out.

Refrigerate:  You can also store your almond butter in the refrigerator.  Store it in the coldest part of the refrigerator and away from the door.  Also, be sure the lid is tightly sealed as your almond butter could pick up odors from the other foods in the refrigerator.

Can You Freeze Almond Butter? How?

Almond butter freezes very well.  A little planning will be sure that you have frozen almond butter on hand for all types of uses.

Small quantities:  Think about how you will use your frozen almond butter.  If you’re planning to cook with it, for example, using an ice cube tray will come in handy for smaller portion sizes.  Just transfer the cubes to a food storage bag once frozen.

Remove all the air:  You will want to remove as much air as possible from the container you freeze your almond butter in.  You can even cover the almond butter with a layer of plastic wrap.

Leave room in the container:  Almond butter will expand in the freezer so be sure to leave some room in the container before freezing.

Store in the coldest part of the freezer:  You will want to avoid temperature fluctuations so don’t store your almond butter in the freezer door.

How to Thaw Almond Butter?

Almond butter, which freezes very well, can also be easily thawed for use in all your favorite recipes.  If you are planning to cook with it, thaw your frozen almond butter slowly in the refrigerator overnight.

If you’re planning to use your frozen almond butter in a smoothie, go ahead and add it to the blender frozen.  The blender will combine it into your smoothie with no need for thawing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Almond Butter’s Shelf Life

If my almond butter has separated does this mean it’s no longer fresh?  No.  Almond butter is full of oil from the ground almonds and sometimes oils separate from the rest of the product.  You should mix the oil with the remaining almond butter to recombine it into one homogenous product.  Once recombined, it’s good to eat once again.

Is it better to store almond butter in the pantry or the refrigerator?  Almond butter can be stored in either the pantry or the refrigerator with similar results.  Your almond butter will last a bit longer if stored in the refrigerator, but it will be cold.  Cold almond butter is hard to spread so you’ll want to let it come to room temperature for a few minutes first.

Wrap Up

Almond butter can be stored in the pantry, the refrigerator or the freezer.  Unopened your almond butter will be good in the pantry for six months past the best-by date on the jar or twelve months in the refrigerator.  Once opened, your almond butter will be good for three to five months in the pantry or six to nine months in the refrigerator.  Tell us in the comments below where you like to keep your almond butter.

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