fruit that starts with the letter P? We’ve put together this list of unique and delicious fruits.
Pineapples are often used in tropical drinks or served as a dessert. They are a great source of Vitamin C. But do you know many other fruits that start with the letter P?
Whether you’re looking for something readily available at your local supermarket or something a little more exotic, we’ve got you covered. Check out this list of fruits that start with P and see if you can find a new favorite!
Persimmons are small, furry fruits that look like a cross between a plum and a peach. There are two types: the Asian persimmon (Diospyros kaki) and the Brazilian persimmon (Diospyros digyna). These off-white fruits have a rough, hairy texture that is reminiscent of walnuts and almonds. There are many different types of persimmons, but all have sweet fruit with a creamy texture. You can eat them fresh or dry them out for storage.
You can make jams and jellies from these little guys without any added sugar or honey because they contain natural sugars from the fruit itself.
Prunes are also known as dried plums. Prunes can help keep you regular, so these fruits are considered a laxative. They are also very high in fiber and low in fat, which is good for your heart!
There are many different varieties of prunes out there, but the most common ones you’ll find at grocery stores and markets will be the California or dark prune. These fruits have what looks like a pit hanging off of one side of their body. The fleshy fruit is inside of the pit, so when eating prunes they should be eaten with the pit attached because this is where all of their flavor is found.

A pomelo is a large citrus fruit that looks a bit like an orange but is much thinner. These fruits are eaten in the same way an orange would be eaten—that means you peel the fruit, cut it into segments and eat the flesh with a spoon!
A pomelo is similar in flavor to an orange, with slightly less acidity. This fruit is a little bit more tart than an orange but has a sweeter aftertaste. I use them in my smoothies or slices of a whole fruit.

Pomegranates are a little hard to break into, but the sweet ruby-red flesh is worth the effort! The juice inside of a pomegranate is thick and can be used as a substitute for cranberry juice in many cocktails.
There are two different flavors when it comes to pomegranates: sweet and sour. The sour tastes just like it sounds, with an acidic taste similar to a cranberry. Sweet pomegranates will have more underlying berry qualities and are perfect for people who aren’t fans of tart or acidic foods. I like to use them in fruit salad, as a pomegranate yogurt topping and in my smoothies.

Pluots, prunes and purple flavored fruits such as blueberries and figs can all be found in this group. Plums are a stone fruit that are round, juicy and sweet. A lot of people might confuse a plum for a cherry and vice versa, but there are several differentiating factors between the two. For one thing, plums have brown seeds inside of them whereas cherries have white ones.
I like to add these types of fruits to my yogurt parfaits or smoothies. You can also use them in a fruit salad with apples or pears. It is used in juice and wine as well.

I love fresh pineapple! This tropical fruit is juicy and tender with a sweet flavor that’s more concentrated toward the core of the fruit. Pineapples are a little firm when you buy them, but they get softer as the fruit ripens.
Pineapple is used in juices, smoothies, ice cream and drinks such as piña coladas and daiquiris. I also like to add chunks of pineapple to my fruit salads.
Plantain is a type of fruit that’s related to the banana. There are many ways to eat a plantain: You can fry it, make it into chips or even blend it into baby food.
I like to slice them open and stuff them with ground beef or chicken and cheese for a tasty lunch treat. Plantains also taste great as a dessert—just slice them up and bake them in the oven with some cinnamon, sugar and butter!
Peaches can be found in many different varieties, but all of them taste the same. Peaches are juicy, sweet and have a mild flavor from the peach skin. They are one of my favorite fruits to eat because they taste great on their own and even better when added to salads and smoothies!
I like to eat fresh peaches right out of the pod or slice them open and add them to my breakfast oatmeal or in my smoothies. I also love to bake peaches with sugar, cinnamon and butter. They are used in juice (which is called nectar), chutney, preserves and jam.
The pitaya or dragon fruit is a stunning red fruit with a white flesh inside. The sweet flavor is sometimes likened to that of a pear, but it also has a very subtle floral taste. The texture of the fruit is much like that of a kiwi—it’s soft and squishy when you eat it, but there’s some crunchiness to it as well.
I love eating these little guys in smoothies or on their own for dessert! it can be eaten fresh, frozen, canned or dried.

Papayas are a juicy, sweet and tangy fruit that come from the carica papaya plant. They grow in a very similar shape to a melon, with a green-skinned exterior and orange flesh inside.
Papayas are one of my favorite fruits because they have such an interesting taste—it’s sort of like pineapple but also has some different flavors thrown in there as well.
I love pears! They are juicy and delicious with a sweet flavor that is a bit more concentrated in the fruit’s center. Pears are best eaten when they’re still firm. They should be firm, not mushy.
Pears can be eaten just as they come or they can be cooked into a pie or preserved in jars to last longer. I love using them in my smoothies instead of eating them cooked. They’re used in wine, juice and preserves as well.
Paw Paw
Paw paws are a type of tree fruit native to South America, but they’re now common in the Eastern United States and other places around the world as well. Paw paws have a very unique shape compared to other fruits that are round, oblong or in a crescent form.
Paw paws taste similar to limes. They’re juicy and sour with a sweet aftertaste. They are used in juice and desserts such as jams, jellies and preserves.
Passion Fruit

The passion fruit is one of the most beautiful fruits in the world. It has a waxy coating and glossy, deep purple skin that turns yellow when ripened. The inside of this fruit is a dark red color with a small pit at the center which holds all of its delicious seeds.
The passion fruit is bitter but sweet at the same time, so it’s used as an ingredient for liqueur and desserts. I like to eat them on their own or add them to smoothies during my morning routine.
Pacific Rose Apple
The Pacific Rose Apple is a small to medium-sized apple with a crisp, crunchy skin and a soft, juicy, sweet and tart flesh. Its color ranges from white to yellow.
Pacific rose apples are used in pies, sauces and drinks. It is also used for eating raw or cooked as an ingredient in other dishes such as fruit salads and desserts. Pacific rose apples taste great on their own or when blended with other fruits.
Palestinian Sweet Lime
The Palestinian Sweet Lime is a type of small-fruited lime. It is a very sweet citrus fruit that can be eaten fresh, canned or preserved.
Palestinians are known for eating fruits such as apples, pears, tangerines and limes for breakfast. They also often use them in their traditional drinks such as lemonade and tea.
Pequi is a type of berry native to Polynesia and the islands in the south Pacific. It has a delicious sweet and tangy flavor that dates back to the time of ancient Hawaiians.
Pequi can be eaten fresh, frozen or canned. It is often used in juices, smoothies and any type of dessert. I like to use them as an ingredient in my smoothies while they’re still fresh or I add them to my breakfast oatmeal when they’re dried out.
Persian Lime

The Persian lime is a small-sized citrus fruit with a thin, brightly colored skin. It has a sweet and sour flavor that’s similar to that of lemons or limes.
The Persian lime is used in juices, fruit punches and desserts. It’s also used as an ingredient in marmalades, jams and jellies.
Petit Rouge Grape
The Petit Rouge grape is a small-sized grape that’s often called Pinot Noir. It grows in bunches and its skin is dark red to purple in color.
Petit Rouge grapes are used as a garnish for drinks, desserts and entrees. You can eat these grapes fresh, dried or even make them into juice or wine!
Phalsa Fruit
The phalsa is a small-sized fruit that grows in bunches. It has a sweet flavor that’s similar to citrus fruit, but it also has a sour undertone.
Phalsa can be eaten fresh, dried or used to make jams and jellies. It’s often eaten with lunch or dinner as a snack or dessert. I like to eat them on their own right out of the bag, but they are also nice added to other fruits in my morning smoothie routine.
Pigeonplums are native to Australia and have been introduced to Hawaii and New Zealand as well. They are similar to a plum, but they’re smaller in size with a dark purple-black color.
The flavor is rich and sweet with a tangy taste that’s balanced out by the fruit’s acidity. I like to eat them fresh or dried. They can also be used in jams, jellies, preserves and juices.
Pili Fruit
Pili fruits are a type of citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia and Southwest China. They have a waxy outer skin that’s green in color with a dark inner pulp near the pit. The Pili fruits are used to make juice, sweets, jams and jellies. It’s also used as an ingredient in baked goods and pastries as well.
Pili fruits have very little natural sugar content so they don’t taste sweet when fresh or canned. However, they can be used in small doses to make desserts such as fruit salads and sauces in large quantities.
Pineberries are a type of berry.
They are also known as Himalayan Blackberry in the United States. They’re native from the Eastern Mountain Range to the Western Mountains of Asia and Europe, but in the United States, these berries are now cultivated for commercial purposes. It’s an ingredient used in pies and cakes, juice, wine and tea.
Pineberries need to be dried or frozen before eating them so store them at room temperature before using them to preserve their best flavor.
Pink Pearl Apple
The Pink Pearl Apple is an apple cultivar that’s commonly found in Japan. It has a soft, juicy and creamy texture with a sweet flavor. Its skin color ranges from yellow to brown, but it’s typically pink in color.
Pink Pearl apples can be eaten fresh, frozen or canned. They are often used to make pies, juice, wine and tea.
Pinot Noir Grape
Pinot Noir is a type of grape known for its intensely fruity taste. This variety is also known as the Burgundy grape. It’s a small to medium-sized purple fruit that’s very aromatic and mild in flavor.
Pinot Noir grapes can be eaten fresh, dehydrated or used in juice and wine making. Some people use these grapes in baked goods such as pies and cakes, but they can also be used as an ingredient for jams, jellies and preserves.
Pinova Apple
The Pinova Apple is a popular apple cultivar that’s native to the state of Washington, USA. It has a green skin with an edible white flesh and a sweet taste.
The Pinova apple looks like the Fuji apple in shape and size, but it’s significantly sweeter in flavor. It can also be used as an ingredient in juices, jellies, wine and tea.
Plumcot is a type of plum native to Europe. It’s a sweet fruit that’s used for making pies, preserves and jellies.
I have eaten Plumcot fresh and dried. I have also used it in jams, jellies and preserves.
I like to eat it as an ingredient in my breakfast cereal as well.
Pluot is a type of fruit that’s similar to a plumcot. It’s native to the United States and is also known as a plumcots. It has a sweet flavor similar to that of plums, but there is also a tinge of citrus flavor to it. Pluots have been known to have red and yellow skin with white flesh inside, but there are different varieties with different colors such as pink and purple.
Pluots can be eaten fresh or frozen like prunes. They can also be used in jams, jellies and preserves, but I like eating them on their own when I can find them at farmers markets or grocery stores.
Pomato is a small-sized, round fruit with a green outer skin and juicy red flesh. I like to eat them raw as they have a tart flavor that’s similar to that of tomatoes.
The Pomato is native to Central America and some parts of the United States. It’s also known as the sapote, colocasias and sometimes tigernuts. I have eaten raw pomatoes and I’ve also used them in baked goods, jellies and preserves.
The Ponkan is a type of mandarin orange that’s native to Japan. It has a light and refreshing flavor with floral aromas. It also has a tangy taste that’s sweet and sour at the same time.
The Ponkan is eaten fresh, dried or used in juice, wines and teas. I like to use them fresh in my breakfast cereal and I also like eating them right out of the bag.
Pulasan is a type of fruit that’s commonly found in Southeast Asia. It looks like a small cucumber with firm and juicy flesh that has a refreshing taste.
It can be eaten fresh, frozen or dried and used as an ingredient in sauces, jellies and preserves. I personally like eating them fresh, but they’re also good when dried and eaten in the same way I would eat raisins.
This was our comprehensive list for Fruits That Start With P. Have you tried any from this list? Let me know in the comments section.