Does Rum Go Bad? How Long Does Rum Last?

Have you ever wondered if rum goes bad? Have you ever pulled a bottle out and wondered if it is still good? Find out below how long rum lasts and the best way to store it.

Quick Answer

In general rum, like anything, can go bad. As a hard alcohol, it takes a long time for rum to go bad.

Unopened Rum will remain in good condition and good quality taste for years, even decades. Store it in a cool, dry place such as a pantry.

Open Rum will remain in good condition and of good taste quality for 6-8 months. Most people find that open rum will still taste good up to a year after opening. Open Rum should also be stored in a cool, dry place.


Read on to learn more about storage of Rum, shelf life of Rum, and more.

Does Rum Go Bad? How Long Does Rum Last?

Whether you just bought a bottle and are wondering how long you have to use it or you found a bottle and are wondering if it is still good, this article is here to help.

How Long Does Rum Last Outside

Rum is shelf stable. It does not need to be stored in the Fridge. To give rum the longest shelf life, store it in a cool, dry place in your house.

Unopened Rum will last years in the pantry. It can even last decades if it is stored in a pantry where the temperature stays stable.

Open Rum will last 6-8 months in a cool, dry pantry. After 6-8 months the taste and quality of the rum may suffer.

How Long Does Rum Last in the Fridge

Rum is shelf stable. It does not need to be stored in the Fridge. To give rum the longest shelf life, store it in a cool, dry place in your house. Storing in the fridge will not increase the shelf life of rum.

Unopened Rum will last years in the pantry. It can even last decades if it is stored in a pantry where the temperature stays stable. Unopened rum does not need to be in the fridge. If the rum is in a rum drink (like Rumchata) it should be stored in the fridge.

Open Rum will last 6-8 months in a cool, dry pantry. After 6-8 months the taste and quality of the rum may suffer. Open rum can be stored in the fridge, but it is not necessary. An open, cream based rum drink (like Rumchata) should be stored in the fridge. Rum cocktails and other rum based drinks will last longer in the fridge.

How Long Does Rum Last in the Freezer

Storing Rum in the freezer will not extend the shelf life of the rum. Many rum companies, such as Bacardi, do not recommend storing rum in the fridge or freezer.

Rum will not freeze in a typical freezer. Its freezing point is -10 degrees Fahrenheit or more.

Rum based drinks can be frozen. If you are looking for a rum slushie drink this is an excellent way to make it. Place it in the freezer for a few hours.


To conclude, you can store rum in the fridge or freezer, but it is not necessary. Whatever you decide, read on to learn more about how to tell if rum is bad or if it is still good.

How To Tell If Rum Has Gone Bad / How To Know Rum is Fresh

How to tell if Rum has gone bad: If Rum smells or tastes off it has gone bad. If the smell is off, throw the rum away. If anything seems to be growing in the rum (such as mold), throw the rum away. If the rum tastes strange but not bad, then it is aged but it has not gone bad. If you taste the rum and do not like the flavor, throw it out.

How to know if Rum is fresh: If the bottle of rum is unopened and the seal is unbroken the rum should be fresh. If you are unsure, open the bottle and pour a little rum into a cup. Look for any mold or other substances in the rum. If there are none, smell the rum. if the rum smells fine, then taste the rum. If the rum tastes fine, then it is fresh. These same steps can be used for unopened rum.

How to Store Rum?

The best place to store rum is in a cool, dark place. Ideally, a basement, pantry, or cool, dry storage space.

Basement: Basements are at the bottom of a house and typically in the ground. This makes them a cool, dry place to store rum. Basements also tend to keep the temperature steady.

Pantry: If you do not have a basement, the pantry or a lower cupboard is the next best place to store rum. A pantry or cupboard will remain cool and dry and keep the rum.

Fridge: The fridge is the best place to store rum drinks. An unopened rum drink will be good until the best by date, and possibly a little later. An open rum drink should be drunk within a few weeks.

Freezer: The freezer is not recommended by rum makers for storing rum. Since rum will not freeze at regular freezer temperatures, all the freezer does is make it cold. The freezer can be used for short term storage of rum drinks to turn them into slushies.

Can You Freeze Rum? How?

Yes, you can freeze rum. It takes a temperature of -10 degrees Fahrenheit.

To freeze rum, you would need a freezer specifically meant for freezing alcohol. Other foods and drinks would not fare well in rum freezing temperatures.

Cream based rum drinks can be frozen at regular freezer temperatures. Like milk thawing these will change the texture and consistency. It is not recommended to freeze them for more time than it takes to turn it into a slushie.

Other Rum drinks can be frozen depending on the ingredients. If a frozen rum drink is what you want, freezing the rum is a good idea.

How to Thaw Rum?

Since pure rum does not freeze, it does not need to be thawed.

Rum drinks that are frozen should remain frown and be blended if desired. You may thaw them in the fridge overnight. However, the consistency of the drink may be altered by the freezing and thawing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rum’s Shelf Life

Can expired Rum make you sick?

Expired Rum will not make you sick. Most expired alcohols will not make you sick.

A cream based rum drink can go bad. It is best to drink it within the specified time. Check the expiration date and drink it before that date. Once opened, store it in the fridge.

What temperature is best for storing Rum and Rum drinks?

Pure Rum is best stored at 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cream based and other rum drinks rum drinks should be stored unopened at 50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Open cream based rum drinks should be stored in the fridge.

Wrap Up

What all this means is that: yes, rum can go bad, but it takes a long time, mixing it with other ingredients, or improperly storing it. Whether your rum is new or old, now you know the best ways to store it.

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